Saturday, September 27, 2008

Birthday Fun!

Here is Isaac having fun with his birthday cake.

I made Isaac a special cupcake for his birthday and he loved it.

Here is Isaac with his Birthday cake. He looks like he wants to stick his finger in it.

Isaac is testing out one of his new toys. I think he likes it.


Shannon, EJ, Gabe and Hannah said...

Looks like he had a good time!!! Is the cupcake the carrot cake?

Shannon, EJ, Gabe and Hannah said...

Thanks!! I had fun making it. Oh my mom was wondering if you got the email she sent about pictures of Isaac for the calendar she does for Grandma and Grandpa

Bogey said...

Dear Jolleen , Marc and Isaac,
Wanted to wish little Isaac Happy Belated Birthday from Cornelia, Bogey and Luca, who also recently turned 1 year old... Congrats again guys!!
With Love
Cornelia, Bogey and Luca